Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tying Blanks! Part II

Here I am, tying my reed.  You want to start so that you're almost at the end of the metal part of the staple.  Go around the reed three times until you reach the end of the staple, and then cross your string back over and tie down to the end of your staple.  Make sure you're pulling the string tight the whole time!
Once you've reached the bottom of your staple, tie three knots where your string ends so that it won't unravel.
My tied reed!  I'm a beginner, too.  Trust me, my reed is not perfect.  Practice practice practice!
Olivia's tied reed!  It's really fun to get pretty reed thread.  It just brings a smile to your face.

In this step of the process, you first want to scrap all of the bark (shiny stuff) off the cane.  Then you want to focus mainly  on maintaining a spine by scraping in the windows, avoiding the rails, and carefully scraping the heart and tip.

Now we start to scrape....
and scrape....
and scrape!


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